Donate to Hokie Club 110% by 7/1, View Team Walk-through + Tour Indoor Practice Facility on 10/2

Wanted to send a reminder out there that if you donate to the Hokie Club 110% of what you donated last year then you get to tour the indoor practice facility the Friday before the Pittsburgh game. If you are a new donor you need to give at least $110 to be part of the Hokie Club 110% campaign.

It seems as if the Hokie Club has done a good job collecting so far. I know in the past me and my friends have typically waited until winter time to give.

Of course there's more to giving then the rewards that come from it of course and all of it is highlighted in the 110% Hokie Club Campaign brochure.

With our 110% HOKIE campaign, we're asking every donor to increase his/her
annual contribution to the Hokie Club by 10 percent over last year's gift, or new
donors to give at a minimum of $110. Our student-athletes are giving 110 percent
in the classroom, on the field, on the court, on the course, in the pool, and on the
track, and the results are strong. Will you, as a Tech fan and/or alum, please join
them in giving 110 percent? We need you now more than ever.

For those of you willing to participate in our 110% campaign before July 1, you
will be invited to an exclusive tour of our new indoor practice facility and participate
in a team walk-through on Oct. 2. Campaign gifts will be accepted until
Dec. 31.

Main purpose of the 110% campaign is to help cover the cost of attendance for athletes which I feel is something that is long overdue. It is an added bonus to be able to tour the best indoor football facility in the country.

You can donate by going here.

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