This is David Wilson's Whip.

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For the kid that directs the Marching Virginias, catches rabbits, has 50 ties, scales Cassell Coliseum, backflips on the sidelines, and eats Chick-fil-A on Sundays this is what kind of car I'd expect him to drive.

Here are the details courtesy of Mark Giannotto.

While at home last January, Virginia Tech running back David Wilson spotted a 1978 Ford Thunderbird sitting in a Danville, Va., back yard, knocked on the stranger's front door and negotiated a deal to buy it for $2,000.

He then took the vintage car and added about $7,000 in enhancements, including $3,000 for a vinyl interior and a new paint job, another $2,000 for 24-inch rims, $800 for new tires and an additional $800 on a customized stereo system.

"Where I'm from, it's kind of like everybody my age got one," Wilson explained after practice Monday, adding that he'd been saving money up for a while and his parents gave him a loan. "It's the thing to do."

Swagg sweet as ice cream and whip is Sunkist LOL .... I feel like a sherbert

It's complete with "Ostrich" interior.

The legend grows.



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Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in bad humor.


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"I don't know what a Hokie is, but God is one of them.' So I'm going with God. I'm going with Virginia Tech." Lee Corso Aug 23, 2000

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Virginia Tech '08
Fordham University (NY) '11, '12

Twitter: @duffmanhokie
PSN Handle: duffmanhokie1568

Hokies, NY Rangers, NY Jets, NY Mets (sigh), USA Hockey, Richmond Renegades (R.I.P)

1991 ford tempo ...

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"My advice to you... is to start drinking heavily."-John Blutarsky

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Best duos in Hokie history: Hall & Adibi, 3rd & Tyrod, Georgia & Liz