ESPN Article: "Edmunds brothers last in long line of siblings to play for Frank Beamer"

The article actually has some interesting facts but also serves as just another ode to CFB. The article is linked below...

Article Here

From the Barefoot brothers in 1988 to the Vicks, the Fullers, the Edmundses and everyone in between, Beamer has coached 25 sets of brothers during his 29 seasons at Virginia Tech, a tribute to Beamer as a coach and person that speaks more about him than the wins and losses.

"It really has a lot to do with being approachable," said Felecia Edmunds, the boys' mother. "You have to feel you can go to a coach at any time, that you can ask them anything and you have to feel they're being honest with you. Integrity has to be there. When parents let their babies go, they have to feel and know that someone is watching over them, and if things don't go right, they're going to contact you. Coach Beamer has always said to us: 'Any time you feel like calling, call.' When you feel comfortable with one child, then you feel comfortable to send the next ones in line."

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No, I *don't* want to go to the SEC. Why do you ask?

We don't love dem Hoos.