Notre Dame no longer recruiting Ken Ekanem

This is according to a report from Irish Sports Daily, Notre Dame's ESPN Affiliate. Here's their Tweet:

If you haven't heard yet, #NotreDame is no longer recruiting VA LB Ken Ekanem. This weekend's scheduled visit is off.

Earlier today, Washington Post sports reporter Paul Tenorio Tweeted the following:

Centreville All-Met Ken Ekanem said he enjoyed his visit to VT and has good understanding of what his role on defense would be. #allmets

Two weeks ago Ekanem narrowed his list of schools down to two: Notre Dame and Virginia Tech.

According to Tenorio Ekanem will make his decision on signing day (Wednesday Feb. 1st). You do the math.

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Very Surprised

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Virginia Tech '08
Fordham University (NY) '11, '12

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