VT Women's Bball wins first round of ACC tourney

Women's Basketball wins the first round vs NC State 57-56. Vanessa Panousis lead all scorers with 19 and Hannah Young hit the game winning shot with .5 seconds left

Link to Hokiesports article: http://www.hokiesports.com/wbasketball/recaps/20150304aaa.html

Link to Hannah Young's shot to win the game: http://www.theacc.com/video/54f79438e4b08cee1f795103

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I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction:
“I served in the United States Navy"

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Doesn't matter if it's cake or pie as long as it's chocolate.

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Doesn't matter if it's cake or pie as long as it's chocolate.