For those interested, list of different schools that have won mythical National Championships in D-1 football in the modern era

I thought this was interesting, because there's a lot of discussion about VT's chances of winning a football championship. List was edited from Wikipedia, and includes national poll champions prior to BCS and Alliance Bowls. I assumed that the national poll champions would be the same as BCS, but didn't check to make sure.

I also arbitrarily decided the modern era was 1973, because that's when D-1 split off and the 105 scholarship limit was established.

You could argue for 1978 (scholarships reduced to 95), 1984 (the year of the College Football Association lawsuit), or 1992 (scholarships reduced to 85). I said it was arbitrary.

Alabama 1973 (Coaches), 1978 (AP), 1979, 1992, 2009, 2011, 2012

Miami 1983, 1987, 1989, 1991 (AP), 2001

USC 1974 (Coaches), 1978 (Coaches), 2003 (AP), 2004 (AP)*
Oklahoma 1974 (AP), 1975, 1985, 2000

Notre Dame 1973 (AP), 1977, 1988
Nebraska 1994, 1995, 1997 (Coaches)
Florida 1996, 2006, 2008
Florida State 1993, 1999, 2013

Penn State 1982, 1986
LSU 2003 (Coaches), 2007

Ohio State 2002
Texas 2005
Auburn 2010
Michigan 1997 (AP)
Pittsburgh 1976
Tennessee 1998
BYU 1984
Clemson 1981
Colorado 1990 (AP)
Georgia 1980
Georgia Tech 1990 (Coaches)
Washington 1991 (Coaches)

Interestingly, only Pittsburgh would have been left off the list if you picked 1978 for the modern era.

If you picked 1984, leave off Pitt, BYU, Clemson, and Georgia.

Remove Notre Dame, Colorado, GT, and Washington if you pick 1992.

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