Why are we so inconsistent?

I knew all day in my gut we would go flat and get beat today. Why are we soo inconsistent? How do we dominate Miami on the road and loose to a terrible Maryland at home? I'm baffled. We've seen this stuff for 2 seasons now and I don't know what the fix is. It's absolutely outrageous. If Beamer doesn't have the stones to motivate these kids each week then give the reins to Bud and let the Foster era begin.

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There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city.

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There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city.

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We put the K in Kwality

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Proud Member Of The Key Play Community Since January 2012.

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We put the K in Kwality

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"Take care of the little things and the big things will come."

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โ€œI ought to punch UVa people in the neck. Donโ€™t ever come on my show and brag about your football.โ€