Teaser: Random Film Thoughts on WVU vs VT (Not focused parts of the film review, also see comments)

For this game, I won't be touching on the defensive scheme. There was so much to cover on the offense that I thought it would be prudent to focus more on the defensive scheme in future contests.

Also, I focus on a couple of play series. However, Cornelsen called a much more masterful game than I gave him credit for. When WVU got stops, it came from being hyper-aggressive. The big plays we saw were usually the result of a play designed to take advantage of that aggressiveness. And, there could have been many more.

I will give you an example of a play that drove me nuts watching it live. After the Trevon Hill interception (which was also a long series for the defense), the Hokies had a 3rd and 1. The Hokies faked a jet sweep to Eric Kumah going left and Jackson tried to waggle to the right side. When I watched it live, I figured that he was looking to hit Chris Cunningham in the short flat. Kyzir White locked on Cunningham, the WVU corner was manned on Phillips, and WVU's WILL LB (Xavier Preston) blitzed right into Jackson's naked waggle. It looked like a perfect defense and a risky play call given the success that VT was having with base tailback runs. Get the safe first down and keep the defense off the field!

When I watched again, I noticed that there was a potential huge play there. Dalton Keene was the HBack at the top of the formation. After the fake, he came across on the drag. Phillips had run the corner off deep. NOBODY was with Keene. If Jackson had any time, he would have hit Keene for a huge play. WVU got really lucky. For every big play, the Hokies missed on others. Cornelsen really had WVU's defense pegged and manipulated those linebackers and safeties beautifully.

There is the teaser. The full review (almost 3000 words) will hit tomorrow.

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"I play real sports, not trying to be the best at exercising..." - KP

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TKPC #666 ...man that was long wait...

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-What we do is, if we need that extra push, you know what we do? -Put it up to fully dipped? -Fully dipped. Exactly. It's dork magic.

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30 years after starting grad school at Virginia Tech, I finally defended my dissertation and earned my PhD.
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30 years after starting grad school at Virginia Tech, I finally defended my dissertation and earned my PhD.
Don't give up on your dreams.

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